Sunday 27 March 2011

series that last a lifetime.

Okay, so after reading Voice Of A Nerd's post regarding sequels and stuff,
I decided to write about a similar experience.

So some long series are pretty good.
One that I'm reading is just fantastic, they released the fifth and final book recently.
And I'm going to die if I don't get it.

But I'm sure you're all familiar with The House Of Night series.
I'm reading it at the moment. As well.
I'm skilled like that. Jealous?
I think it's totally cool, but they just released the 8th book.
By the time you get to the 6th, you'd just instantly go to the back where they make references to upcoming sequels.
I didn't think I'd need to by the 8th. I thought that would be it.
I checked the back page anyway.
Holy cow.

The plot is cool, but this chick is the biggest player you'll ever hear of.
So, it goes like this (not by books):
1. Heath
2. Erik
3. Heath + Erik
4. Loren + Erik + Heath
5. Heath + Stark (yes, Erik got the boot, what a prick)
6. Stark
By the 8th book, I'm just expecting they'll chuck in a random hottie that she'll melt over and go sleep with after a split second of thinking, AGAIN.
Poor Stark. He's died then come back to life then died again, cut the kid some slack.

So basically, it's easy to relate to.
But you need insurmountable patience to read them all.
By far. The style of writing will just downright piss you off.

To Voice Of A Nerd, I actually only got through the first Eragon book before I gave up... Don't be disappointed please!


Fiona said...

"I'm just expecting they'll chuck in a random hottie that she'll melt over"

And I'm not disappointed by the Eragon thing.
I know a lot of people who don't like it, so it's fine.

ashadashaa said...

Yeah I mean she went through all the others in those books, so by the ninth there's just no way she would be settled.

And yeah i just found it difficult to get into haha, but the movie was sort of okay..