Friday 25 March 2011

i don't get me.

I can concentrate on music and reading a book at the same time.
I hear people's phones ring when no-one else can.
I'm obsessed with the musical scores from Bambi and Spirited Away, I've listened to them approximately 17 times today.
I'm a nocturnal creature, I sleep a lot during the day.
I clean when I'm angry.
I've broken pinky promises. Ouch.
I enjoy Japanese culture. Especially anime. Their cheesy plot lines and romance make me melt.
I hardly ever speak my mind.
I love sleeping in my Dad's oversized shirts.
I'm considered a tomboy, I don't mind it, but I still try to act girly. I suppose it's not working.
I'm jealous of my friends.
I want more friends, but then I tell myself I won't be able to keep up with more than the small group I have now.
I'm constantly thinking of ways to improve my room. IKEA is my new love.
I throw out old clothes to make way for new clothes that I never wear.
I'm a pro at recognising celebrity voices and remembering what movies they were in.
I didn't know who Snooki was until a few weeks ago.
I get bored of things very quickly.
I get excited for parties, but once I arrive, I want to go home.
If I eat/drink something that's hot, I'll continue to eat/drink because I think more heat will overcome the part that burnt my mouth.
I want to be one of those stylish girls at college, but I have problems with fashion sense now. I'm a hopeless case.
I collect Blunt! magazines.
If I could wear my combat boots everyday, I would.
I'm emotional. I've cried in about 94% of the movies I own.

I don't get me.

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