Sunday 6 March 2011

i'll wish what i please, thank you very much.

The other day, my friend asked "If you could have any superpower, what would it be?"

I replied, "To turn into any animal I wanted." The bastard said if I turned into a dog I'd most definitely get caught. So I settled with the ability to fly. A rebuttal? Of course. He said I'd get sucked into an airplane engine.

Funnily enough, I realised today that that wouldn't necessarily be the case. The Incredibles was playing on the tv at work, so I argued by following Edna Mode's advice (whose real-life manifestation is that of my maths teacher). I said that my superhero costume wouldn't include a cape. So no getting sucked into airplane engines (:

But if I wanted to turn into an animal, then I bloody well will and I wouldn't let anyone stop me. I'll go Animorph on yo ass.

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