Sunday 13 March 2011

the right guy.

Why is it so hard to find the right guy? I’m sure girls you all have the image of the perfect guy etched into your mind. I have my own as well. A dark-haired guy with metro fashion, shares a similar music taste, would treat me like a princess, says adorable things and wants to kiss me in really cheesy scenarios like the rain or Spiderman. For the lucky ones who do have someone like that, hold onto them and don’t let go. For others, cut the pickiness and aim for what you have. 

Last night at work I was having a paper note-conversation with a male colleague (much to the jealousy of our manager) when I said to him “I know everything.” He said, “If you do, answer this. What does a guy love more, his girlfriend, his car, or his dog?”
I answered, “Not all guys are the same, so it depends on the guy.” He was a sweetheart, who said “Well I think all guys would love their girlfriend more.” The harsh reality is, that’s not necessarily true. I know a guy, who has a girlfriend but treats her like shit, hitting on both me and another of my friends while he was going out with her. If every guy loved their girlfriend more than anything, the world would be perfect. 
On occasion, you may meet someone who you think is totally cute, you can sense the chemistry between you but before you know it the moment is gone and you’ll probably never see them again. A cute guy came to work last night, we had a conversation and we laughed, I actually couldn’t stop smiling. But he was gone within a few minutes. These situations can make you feel like crap, and I’ve had plenty of them. My situation with boys is complicated, having a “back and forth” relationship, to liking people while you’re with them but not when you’re away from them, moving in on someone too quickly and to just pushing away others who want to get closer to you. I want a boyfriend, badly, but I make it too hard on myself. Sometimes you may think you’ve found the right person, but along the track you realise it just won’t work out.
I spend two weeks overseas with someone while I was with my family. We hit it off great, and I wanted to spend more time with him when we got home. I invited him places, but it never ended up happening, and he’s 18 so when he was out partying one night, he texted me, and during our conversation he said “Ohmygod stop getting off the tune with me!”. I took it badly. 
Somehow I think I’ve gotten way off track on this blog. You can’t always judge someone instantly. If someone starts showing interest in you, don’t push them away. Start hanging out with them some more. You may find they are actually a really great person. I should’ve learnt that lesson when I got the chance, so don’t do what I did. I probably wouldn’t feel as lonely as I do now. Take the opportunity when it presents itself. “You can’t always judge a book by it’s cover” is perfect here, because not every dark-haired guy with metro fashion and similar music taste may want to treat me like a princess, say adorable things and kiss me in really cheesy scenarios.

1 comment:

Hayley said...

Nice post. Hi, I'm Hayley. I wish that I could find the right guy too right now but we're still young and we have plenty of time so don't be sad.