Monday 14 March 2011

piss off, seriously.

If these things didn't exist, they would make the world such a nicer place to live in. Well, mine anyway. 

Crunkcore - these two genres were never meant to be combined. It’s like having people crump to the sound of a cat being tortured. Mercilessly. 
Two-faced people - there’s really no point being two-faced. People aren’t stupid, they can detect changes in character, so when you go from being the modern-day Jesus to Queen Bitch, no-one’s every going to notice when you try to be nice. Because we know it’s a facade.
Being compared to your friends, intelligence wise - I would much appreciate being praised for my own personal talents than being expected to be as smart as my friend who’s ripping through Chemistry. If you put two people in Chemistry, they’re obviously not going to go the same as each other. 
People who put down others - just because you can’t make sense of your own fucked up lives doesn’t mean you can bring others down to your level when they are obviously able to cope, maybe you should try learning from them rather than making them feel just like you do. Lighten up and go eat a Happy Meal.
No follow-through with plans - if I’m going to trek it for an hour to the place we’re supposed to meet, you can at least give me the hours notice before you decide to bomb out. 
Phone batteries - these just piss me off because they can last for 5 days when you don’t even use them, but without fail the bastards decide to die on you when you actually need them. 
When people don’t say “Bless you” after you sneeze - come on, my heart just skipped a beat, the least you can say is “Bless you” to make sure that it keeps on beating.
Migraines - chronic migraines, especially. First, they make me blind. Second, it feels like there's a tiny claustrophobic boxing champion trying to beat it's way out of my head, RIGHT BEHIND MY EYE. Third, I always throw up while I’m trying to make the bastard go away. Not pleasant.
- People who don’t look at you when they talk to you - if I have the decency to look you in the eye when I talk to you, the least you can do is the same. It’s not that hard. They’re not hiding laser beams that will burn into your sockets if you stare long enough.
Feeling unwanted - our English teacher told us today about an experiment conducted on baby chimps. They placed a steel-framed monkey, a bottle of food and a fluffy, cuddly toy monkey in their cage. The chimps risked starvation so they could remain in the warmth and comfort of the toy. Chimps are our closest relatives, with only a 1.6% difference in genetics. I’m sure you can make the connection.

Bad hygiene - I love sitting next to someone and being attacked by the latest fragrance (and worst selling) - armpit. Yummy.
Sand - wonderfully exfoliating, but its adhesive properties are something I will never come to like. Never
Clowns - a human being was never supposed to make themselves look so humiliating. Or scary. Don’t know what I mean? Avoid that stormwater drain at all costs.
Monotone voices - people who talk like this sound boring ALL THE TIME. 
Being the only person in your group who has interest in a specific TV show/music genre - it just makes me feel lonely. 


The Anything Place said...

Very nice list couldn't agree more with you. Maybe one day we will have a world like without some of these :)

Fiona said...

I agree with everything. =]
Especially the bit about saying bless you after someone sneezes, ahaha.