Monday 28 March 2011

language techniques.

Once you hit the senior years, English starts to get really sucky.
You can't get away with having simplistic answers to questions.
For example,

How do we know the character of the novel has accepted the change? 
Use language techniques.

If I could, I would say, "Because he said so."
That exam would probably come back coated in red pen saying,
"Stupid girl, this answer is inadequate. You should go to standard."
Since I'm in advanced.

I was feeling quite nonchalant today.
Our first half-yearly exam.
For one part we had to analyse a cartoon and how it conveyed feelings of belonging.
This was my answer:

"4 out of the 5 characters are covered in squiggly lines. This indicates confusion and anger influenced by human problems outlined by the caption. 
The fifth character is smiling, and walking away from his pile of squiggles because he decided to be smart and move on."

Hell yeah.


angela said...

I was randomly checking my traffic sources on my blog and saw this random link in there, and I clicked it, and came to this awesome place to find that you've put my link on your blog. I thank you with many bundles of thanks :) (and I'm following you because I like what you say, not just as a token of thanks :P)

cheers! - angela (from 'to put it simply..")

ashadashaa said...

Hahaha yeah i like yours, so i was like HEY guys check out this totally awesome blog.

And thank you muchly haha :)