Thursday 17 March 2011

escalator relationships.

© Jade and Bronte.

Have you ever noticed when couples get on escalators, they suddenly cling to each other like they're never gonna see each other again?

It's like *walking to the escalator* "Hey let's hold hands cause we're totally cute"
*gets onto the escalator, CLING TO EACH OTHER LIKE MATING SLUGS*
"Hey we're on the escalator now I'm going to grope you and suck on your face"

I've had my daily dose of supposed-to-be-lovey-dovey-but-actually-gross action right there.


Fiona said...

BAHAHAHA this is is so true!! x]

ashadashaa said...

Haha oh lord, it's so disgusting. It's like, keep it PG rated, yeah? Or keep it to the confinement of your bedroom. Lol.

dead-girl said...

i think its funny to watch people!