Thursday 31 March 2011

super long drives.

After last night I've noticed that one of my talents is managing to stay awake for long drives.
6 hour ones. Both the drive there and back.
I was out of my hometown all day yesterday because we needed to visit someone in hospital out in the country.
We left at 9am in the morning, and got home at 3am the next morning.

Stylish, no?
The latter drive was probably the best.
My dad's car is super powerful, but fucking tiny.
During this car drive, I realised that I would move to the country simply to lay out at night and stare at the stars.
Dad stopped the car for a rest, got out and told us all to look up.
"Look, that's the Milky Way Galaxy!"
"There's the Southern Cross!"
"And there's the pot!" (we have a star pot in our night sky. How awesome)
Of course, that conversation lasted between only my father and me.
As we drove on, I realised that I continued to stare at the sky for a solid half an hour.

At some point around 12am, my laptop battery died in the middle of a rather thrilling session of How To Train Your Dragon. I was almost brought to tears.
I managed to maneouvre my sister and myself into a position that made it comfortable for both of us to sleep.
Or so I thought.
Yum yum.
She had a pillow and her head in my lap and I was sitting up straight.
I began to doze off, but woke up again when I realised I was trying to catch flies.
Meaning, sleeping with your mouth wide open.

After Mum and Dad switched driving places, I bought a double-strength iced coffee which kept me hyped for the rest of the drive.
Mum and I played a game using the iPod by shuffling and guessing which artist each song was by.
Mind you, her music taste consists of The Cranberries, Depeche Mode, The Cure, The Smiths, stuff from that era.
I got them all. It's clear who inherited the better music taste in the family.

And I'm not too sure how to end this post. So I will just end it.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

dogs are strange creatures.

1. They have a sixth sense.

2. They lick your clothes and your feet.
I also enjoy the taste of cotton and denim. And toe jam. Yummm.

3. They'll eat just about anything.
We came home to an upturned bag of rubbish all over the kitchen.
Coco had torn some cardboard boxes to shreds, and even tried to eat her own hair.
And they eat grass. That's just weird.

4. Sometimes bigger dogs are scared of smaller dogs.
Coco rips on Franklin who's twice her size, by pinning him to the ground by the throat and going for the face.
Excellent fight tactics.

5. They have their own personalities.
Coco thinks she owns the house. A whole half of my bed belongs to her.
Franklin couldn't walk any further once a big, scary yellow leaf crossed his path.
Apparently his mad barking didn't deter it.

6. They smell each others' butts.
Not too sure what the appeal is.

7. They get uglier as they get older.
Franklin was the cutest chubbiest puppy ever.
But now he's decided to grow a moustache and a mohawk.
He's still only 8 months old.

8. They like you depending on the perfume you wear.
Coco and Franklin don't like it if wear my mum's perfume.
It not only makes me smell old, but they bark at me. Angrily.

Btw, Coco and Franklin are my fluffy companions.
As if you hadn't already figured that out.

Monday 28 March 2011

language techniques.

Once you hit the senior years, English starts to get really sucky.
You can't get away with having simplistic answers to questions.
For example,

How do we know the character of the novel has accepted the change? 
Use language techniques.

If I could, I would say, "Because he said so."
That exam would probably come back coated in red pen saying,
"Stupid girl, this answer is inadequate. You should go to standard."
Since I'm in advanced.

I was feeling quite nonchalant today.
Our first half-yearly exam.
For one part we had to analyse a cartoon and how it conveyed feelings of belonging.
This was my answer:

"4 out of the 5 characters are covered in squiggly lines. This indicates confusion and anger influenced by human problems outlined by the caption. 
The fifth character is smiling, and walking away from his pile of squiggles because he decided to be smart and move on."

Hell yeah.

Sunday 27 March 2011

i never wear sunglasses.

No pair of sunglasses (or my prescriptions for that matter) sit on my nose right.
It's like they're leaning slightly to the left.
I think damnit, I just bought another broken pair of sunglasses.
No more thrift shopping sprees for me.

But then I remember.
I have a crooked nose.
When I was younger, I was swimming in my pool,
And as I started to surface, my friend dived on.
Right on top of me.
So our heads collided. God it hurt.

Two problems arise from this.
1. I already have prescriptions, but at least not wearing them takes away headaches.
But because I'm short-sighted,
2. No sunglasses means I have to squint. A lot. And that makes my already partial blindness even worse.
Luckily, it's not noticeable. Unless someone comes up real close to my face.

Just imagine, I'm about to kiss a really cute guy.
He gets an inch away, and goes "Your nose is crooked."
Thanks buddy. I'm so not into this anymore.

series that last a lifetime.

Okay, so after reading Voice Of A Nerd's post regarding sequels and stuff,
I decided to write about a similar experience.

So some long series are pretty good.
One that I'm reading is just fantastic, they released the fifth and final book recently.
And I'm going to die if I don't get it.

But I'm sure you're all familiar with The House Of Night series.
I'm reading it at the moment. As well.
I'm skilled like that. Jealous?
I think it's totally cool, but they just released the 8th book.
By the time you get to the 6th, you'd just instantly go to the back where they make references to upcoming sequels.
I didn't think I'd need to by the 8th. I thought that would be it.
I checked the back page anyway.
Holy cow.

The plot is cool, but this chick is the biggest player you'll ever hear of.
So, it goes like this (not by books):
1. Heath
2. Erik
3. Heath + Erik
4. Loren + Erik + Heath
5. Heath + Stark (yes, Erik got the boot, what a prick)
6. Stark
By the 8th book, I'm just expecting they'll chuck in a random hottie that she'll melt over and go sleep with after a split second of thinking, AGAIN.
Poor Stark. He's died then come back to life then died again, cut the kid some slack.

So basically, it's easy to relate to.
But you need insurmountable patience to read them all.
By far. The style of writing will just downright piss you off.

To Voice Of A Nerd, I actually only got through the first Eragon book before I gave up... Don't be disappointed please!

Friday 25 March 2011

why i hate straighteners.

My hair is naturally straight.
I don't need to ravage it with a straightener, unless I go out.
Where people will take photos.
If such an occasion arises, I go apeshit with the straightener.
It's dead straight. Perfect.

I get to the party. I feel great, imagining how awesome I'll look in the photos.
SNAP! The first one.
I go to the bathroom, and look at myself in the mirror.
Oh dear lord. My head looks like it's been raped.
My hair is not straight. I have Tarzan's luscious locks.
I swear there could have been something hiding in there.
Hopefully this just happened while I was in the bathroom.

Photos are up the next day. I see the first.
I'm going to write a letter of complaint to GHD regarding false advertising.
Straight hair? LIES!

i don't get me.

I can concentrate on music and reading a book at the same time.
I hear people's phones ring when no-one else can.
I'm obsessed with the musical scores from Bambi and Spirited Away, I've listened to them approximately 17 times today.
I'm a nocturnal creature, I sleep a lot during the day.
I clean when I'm angry.
I've broken pinky promises. Ouch.
I enjoy Japanese culture. Especially anime. Their cheesy plot lines and romance make me melt.
I hardly ever speak my mind.
I love sleeping in my Dad's oversized shirts.
I'm considered a tomboy, I don't mind it, but I still try to act girly. I suppose it's not working.
I'm jealous of my friends.
I want more friends, but then I tell myself I won't be able to keep up with more than the small group I have now.
I'm constantly thinking of ways to improve my room. IKEA is my new love.
I throw out old clothes to make way for new clothes that I never wear.
I'm a pro at recognising celebrity voices and remembering what movies they were in.
I didn't know who Snooki was until a few weeks ago.
I get bored of things very quickly.
I get excited for parties, but once I arrive, I want to go home.
If I eat/drink something that's hot, I'll continue to eat/drink because I think more heat will overcome the part that burnt my mouth.
I want to be one of those stylish girls at college, but I have problems with fashion sense now. I'm a hopeless case.
I collect Blunt! magazines.
If I could wear my combat boots everyday, I would.
I'm emotional. I've cried in about 94% of the movies I own.

I don't get me.

Saturday 19 March 2011

rain rain don't go away.

Our weather has been PMS'ing for the last 2 weeks. It's been sunny, and then suddenly today at 11am it pisses down within about 5 seconds.

My favourite weather.
All it makes me want to do is sit around inside watching movies like a lazy bum.
But no, I get to spend this day studying.

Thursday 17 March 2011

escalator relationships.

© Jade and Bronte.

Have you ever noticed when couples get on escalators, they suddenly cling to each other like they're never gonna see each other again?

It's like *walking to the escalator* "Hey let's hold hands cause we're totally cute"
*gets onto the escalator, CLING TO EACH OTHER LIKE MATING SLUGS*
"Hey we're on the escalator now I'm going to grope you and suck on your face"

I've had my daily dose of supposed-to-be-lovey-dovey-but-actually-gross action right there.

Monday 14 March 2011

piss off, seriously.

If these things didn't exist, they would make the world such a nicer place to live in. Well, mine anyway. 

Sunday 13 March 2011

the right guy.

Why is it so hard to find the right guy? I’m sure girls you all have the image of the perfect guy etched into your mind. I have my own as well. A dark-haired guy with metro fashion, shares a similar music taste, would treat me like a princess, says adorable things and wants to kiss me in really cheesy scenarios like the rain or Spiderman. For the lucky ones who do have someone like that, hold onto them and don’t let go. For others, cut the pickiness and aim for what you have. 

Tuesday 8 March 2011

the good old days.

Tomorrow, we leave for retreat. After a very short packing session, I decided to dig through my old K-Zone and Mania magazines (Aussie kids should be familiar with these bad boys) from when I was a youngen; as well as finding a Digimon comic book stuffed in between them all. Oh, those were the good days.

Monday 7 March 2011

the greatest clan that ever lived.

Our year is going on a "spiritually reflective" retreat in 2 days.

It a custom for our group to buy craploads of junk food to take and eat without going on a guilt trip afterwards because it's UNHEALTHY.

After a very short discussion (to which I made no contribution because I thought my iPod was more interesting), J and T came up with a highly appropriate clan name.

"The Sanitary Pad and the Greatsome Eightsome."

Sunday 6 March 2011

i'll wish what i please, thank you very much.

The other day, my friend asked "If you could have any superpower, what would it be?"