Friday 15 April 2011

my dreams.

The other night, I dreamt I stayed at a camp.
That was oddly surrounded by cute little cottages arranged on the side of a hill.
I befriended a horse named Pegasus, but without the wings.
For some reason, an army appeared and began chasing after me.
I joined forces with fellow children and rampaged through the cottages stealing steaks and chocolate, whilst constantly hiding from the army.
Some foreign children led me to a row of sheds, one completely covered in graffiti.
That was their base.
I decided I didn't belong there, and stayed with Pegasus.
It turned out Pegasus was the reason the army were after me.
I rode Pegasus around the campsite and hid from sight, as the leader (who oddly resembled Adolf Hitler, scary) began yelling obscenities about marshmallows.
I appeared in front of them, yelling "Here I am!"
Thousands upon thousands of horseback soldiers chased me across lilypads and through the streets surrounding the cottages.

I don't actually remember how it ended. But it was a dream I wish I could have again.
I feel like chronicling my dreams when I remember them, IF I remember them, and IF they're interesting enough for the likes of you.

1 comment:

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